As I have been posting about "Paul's Gospel" and the intricate details therein, I want it to be properly understood that Christ is the issue. I write about "Paul's Gospel" and magnify not him as a man, but his office, his position of authority to proclaim Christ. I write about "Paul's Gospel", because in so doing ,rightly, Christ is preached and glorified most today. I write about "Paul's Gospel" because it is distinct and unique today, not because I say so, but because God's Word says so.
It is slanderously reported that Christ isn't glorified through recognizing that Paul has a distinct, unique, separate ministry and gospel. It has been said that Christ is taken from His proper place by recognizing Pauline authority. It is evident no man can take Christ from His proper place in the first place. It is through a failure to recognize Pauline authority that those who see it have to defend it, in so doing, not "putting Christ in His proper position", but glorifying Him in His already highest position of exaltation. Paul himself in Corinthians had to foolishly defend his authority and ministry, because they did not recognize it. He had to magnify his office HIMSELF, by talking about his sufferings and his ministry that was given to him from Christ Himself. It is now because few take a stand on Pauline authority that those who do have to defend it. The result of this is many claiming things they do not know, slanderously reporting that, those who do, do not put Christ in His proper position. How ignorant are these men for they know not what they say, nor affirm. They kick against the pricks, resulting in themselves not recognizing Christ proper position of authority and granduer that only Paul reveals. They have a lack of understanding and in so doing they, who seem to be wise, become fools. They mix Christ as the King of kings and Lord of lords over the earth, with Christ being the Head of ALL principality and power and in so doing glorify their theology rather than Christ.
Recognizing Pauline authority, magnifying his office results in recognizing Christ's proper glorified position today.
There is no doubt Christ has been the issue through the whole Bible. However, there have been numerous men throughout the Scriptures who spoke on God's behalf. It also has been the failure of countless men throughout the Scriptures who did not recognize these men (who spoke on God's behalf), resulting in their own destruction and became fools. It is no different today, men becoming fools because they do not believe the Word of God resulting in not recognizing God's spokesman. Men today listen to scholars, theologians, and tradition rather then God. They listen to traditions of men rather then the Word of God and sound doctrine.
Hebrews 1:1-3,
"God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds: who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"
Notice many things.
1)It is the book of Hebrews. Are you a Hebrew? Today do you look at someone else mail and apply it to you. Why do you, not being a Hebrew apply it to you? Believe it and in so doing you will not apply it to you, because you will believe you are not a Hebrew. We need to rightly divide.
2)God spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.
3)"Hath in these LAST DAYS spoken unto us by His Son". Are we in the LAST DAYS? The days of revelation, the 70th week of Daniel? Are we fulfilling revelation, as we speak? How foolish, of course not! However, they were in the last days, they were about to go through the tribulation. The kingdom was AT HAND. Do you believe Israel's literal, physical, visible kingdom was at hand? Or, do you believe tradition that it was the kingdom of God in the hearts of men. Believe God's Word. But what happened?
4) He (Christ) appointed heir of all things. But what are the all things? Let's look into early Acts where they were teaching this doctrine.
In early Acts, they were in the last days, actually they were in the "one year" that Christ answered to God to give to Israel. Luke 13:6-9,
"He spake also this parable; A certain man (Christ) had a fig tree (Israel) planted in his vineyard (Jerusalem, Zion, etc); and he came and sought fruit thereon (first coming) and found none. Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years (Christ's earthly ministry, to Israel) I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also (Acts 1-7), till I shall dig about it, and dung it: and if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down."
Anyways, that is another study, however in Acts 3, the little flock is calling the nation of Israel to repentance, because they just killed their Messiah. Israel's fruit would have been repentance, turning from killing Christ to recognizing that He was the Christ. However, they did not and with the stoning of Stephen God cut them down. Paul sheds light on this issue in Romans 11. Israel was to go through the wrath of God. Anyways, in Acts 3, Peter is doing this very thing calling the nation of Israel to repentance. In verses 17-21,
"And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers. But those things, which God before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, He hath fulfilled. (That is all that Christ hath fulfilled, not His glory in the earth in the nation of Israel) Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out (when?), when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; (when is the refreshing? it comes from the presence of the Lord, His second coming) and He shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things (here is the all things) which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began."
The times of restitution of all things, is the time of God's wrath, His pay back. It is focused on the whole world, but specifically the unbelievers of Israel, their leadership. The all things deals with, all things, but most specifically the authority under Satan's course of this world. This is the big picture so to speak. It is the authority on the earth under the enemies dominion and God has planned through Christ to reconcile it back unto Himself as the King of kings and Lord of lords. Christ through the OT, the Gospel accounts, Acts 1-8, and Hebrews through Revelation, is properly positioned over all things on the earth as prophesied. God had been dealing with the earth all along, however the earth is not the only place where Satan had dominion and, that God would have to reconcile back to Himself. The heavenly places would need to be reconciled back to God and He had the perfect plan to do so in and through Christ, however He hid it in Himself until "due time", until the time He appointed to reveal it. That time would end up being before He began "His day", the day of His wrath. Instead, He poured out His grace and revealed the mystery of Christ, to none other than Paul and Him alone, not to keep to Himself, but to tell all the nations.
When I mentioned before in my past blog that Paul is the authority over all the world, I did not mean that he is Christ. I meant Paul is the only man that has the message of they mystery of Christ, the gospel of the grace of God, to give to all the nations today. He is the only apostle that has this ministry. If we desire to know Christ (not only as King of kings and Lord of lords but fully)and what He is doing today we must listen to the apostle Paul. This does not mean we are to not study the rest of the Bible, because it is for our learning and is truth. Christ from heavens glory appeared to Paul through visions and revelations about the "one new man", "the church, the Body of Christ" to reconcile the heavenly places back unto God from Satan's dominion. However, the glory, the grandeur, the manifold wisdom, and the power that God manifested in doing so was and is awesome.
Ephesians 1:19-23, (Paul is praying for the Ephesians to know somethings)
"And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He reaised Him from the dead, AND set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places, FAR ABOVE all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: and hath put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fulness of Him that filleth all in all."
Paul is not praying for us to know God's power, according to His mighty power, but to know the "exceeding greatness of His power" according to His mighty power. How did God manifest the exceeding greatness of His power? When He raised Christ from the dead and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places. Is that it, nope. "FAR ABOVE" all authority. See according to prophecy He would be in the heavenly places over authority, but not all authority. Christ would be placed over all authority on this earth as the King of kings and Lord of lords, however He would not be "FAR ABOVE" all authority. This was revealed solely to the apostle Paul to go along with the mystery of Christ, hence the reason Paul is praying for them to know it. In Ephesians 6:10, he tells them to be strong in it. How foolish are the ones who do not recognize Pauline authority which can only place Christ in the highest place of exaltation. The "exceeding greatness of His power" God manifested in placing Christ "FAR ABOVE" all authority and not only that of the earth, but both heaven and earth. It is through Christ revealing this to Paul and giving him an apostleship that Christ being the "HEAD of all principality and power" is only revealed.
When did this take place? Did it take place right after Christ's ascension from the 11? Paul gives us the answer in Ephesians 4:9-10,
"Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things."
Christ ascended twice, He ascended the first time according to prophecy as we saw Him depart from the 11. According to prophecy, He did this to go be their High Priest in the heavenly Jerusalem that will one day come down as their kingdom, and also to prepare many mansions for His followers. This information was all made known in the prophets or by Christ Himself while He was on earth. What wasn't made known was that He would save His chief persecutor Saul, come down, and extend His grace to him all to not go back to the heavenly Jerusalem, but to take His rightful place as Head over all principality and power in both heaven and the earth. It is only Paul that reveals this mystery of Christ. Why? This was hid in God as part of His manifold wisdom in Christ and Christ fulfilled not prophecy by ascending to the highest position of exaltation, but He fulfilled the mystery of God's will (Eph. 1:9). The exceeding greatness of His power is in accordance with His grace. Folks we must know this and be strong in it.
Those who say we do not put Christ is His place of authority, do not know what they say, and try to intimidate those who actually do, by their own earthly, scholarly authority which is in vain. We need not be educated by man, but by Paul's office of authority that reveals the highest position of Christ's exaltation. We need to be educated by our apostle and not by theologies and philosophies. Once not only Christ's position as King of kings and Lord of lords, but also as Head over all authority of heaven and earth is understood and recognized through our apostle, their is no going back for our allegiance is to Christ and the Word of God that reveals Him as so. Our allegiance is not to theologians, scholars, and tradition that have for so long gotten it wrong. They get it wrong because they do not recognize and believe Pauline authority resulting in mixing, adding, and taking away from God's Words. Our allegiance is to Christ and Christ alone, however it is through the apostle Paul that reveals these issues and rightly divides them for us. Christ through Paul clearly and with clarity ;), give us a proper education on not only these issues, but the whole Bible.
I write about "Paul's Gospel" because it reveals Christ as not only the Head of the Body, but the Head over all authority in both heaven and earth, not just the earth. Christ revealed Himself in His fulness to Paul, therefore we must be educated by him ending in our education of Christ, the mystery of Christ that reveals Him in His highest position of exaltation. Paul clearly by Christ states these issues and clearly sorts them out. As we study Paul and are certified in his gospel of Christ, the mystery of Christ and the preaching of the Cross, we will not only know, have some understanding, and be educated, but will be able to be strong in them and come unto the unity of the faith. It is only then that we as the Body will be able to manifest the exceeding greatness of His power in accordance with His grace. We will have recovered ourselves from the snare of the devil, to become a vessel of honour unto God, fit for the Master's use. I do not talk about "Paul's Gospel" to in some way not give Christ His proper position, but to proclaim, recognize, and give glory to His proper position of exaltation. Those who think otherwise are unlearned, wresting the Scriptures and need to come unto the knowledge of the truth. Christ through Paul will educate you and rightly divide the Scriptures in order to get the proper understanding and power from of the Word of Truth. May we humbly come to our Father and believe His Word through all its reproving, correcting, and doctrine.
We will speak more on this issue next time.
Until next time....
In Him,
Joshua Strelecki
That was the best blog I have ever read!!! Have you ever wondered Josh, why people get so bent out of shape when we say that only Paul is our authority to listen to today? After all, don't these people say that Paul wasn't saying anything new than anyone else had? Don't they say that the Gospel Paul preached is the same Gospel that the 12 and Jesus and the prophets spoke? So my answer to these statements is, if Paul is preching the same thing as everyone else, why do you get angry when the doctrine I'm getting from Paul is the same I would gewt anywhere else in the Scriptures? According to them, reading Paul is the same as reading Peter, or reading the "WORDS IN RED" is the same as reading Paul, or reading the Psalms is the same as reading Paul. If it's all the same why get angry about which author I choose to read? Just some thoughts...peace bro!
Jeremy Tarter
Hey bro,
I appreciate your thoughts. It is very true. The DEFENSE of Pauline authority and in return the understanding of Christ as "Head of all principality and power" both heaven and earth is not something new. Paul was defending it in his own day. However the revelation of Christ as Head over all authority both heaven and earth was new and was revealed to Paul. I have talked to numerous people as you know about these issues and know one has took the time through the Bible to make a case for what they believe. The truth is, the truth is the ultimate authority and it is not bound by men. So many people get their emotions involved and think about themselves and their theology rather then seeing the truth and humbly believe it. It is an issue of simple faith which Satan has so clearly distorted today. It is faith in God's Word and Satan has blinded the eyes of so many by making the "simplicity in Christ" as hard. Simple faith. Instead so many make faith a work, or something that God supernaturally implants in us ruining the doctrine of faith. This get this wrong and mixed up, because they don't understand God's full will, that He has two programs and had and has a two-fold purpose in Christ. One program for the earth through the Nation of Israel that He worked in time past and will again in ages to come, and one program for the heavenly places through the Body of Christ that He is working now, today. Anyways, thanks for reading and responding.
For someone preaching true, pure grace, there does not seem to be a whole lot for those with any views that might be different than yours.
I desire to teach the Bible, the views that I hold are not based on theology or systems, but on God's Word. You may see it as a view, however it is God's Word, it is truth and it is absolute. Grace doesn't mean nor when preached accept other views just because it is grace. Grace as taught in God's Word reveals how to deal with others who do not believe God's Word as revealed in the Scriptures, but it also reveals what not to believe and God gives much clarity on this issue when we listen and believe His Word. Quite frankly those who have other "views" different then that of God's Word and that rightly divided don't have anything to offer, however grace and God's Word have much to offer and that's why I write to expose fallacies and magnify truth, not to have dominion over anyone's faith, but to be a helper of their joy. Pure grace is pure in and of itself, views added to pure grace therefore no longer make it pure.
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