I desire to speak more on this issue. I was reading Keith Blades quote again and the comments I wrote and decided I wanted to write a little more on this issue. I write this short post, not to persuade men, or please men, because I won't however I have experienced in many discussions that I have had as soon as something comes out of my mouth the other person closes their ears and starts a rampage of assumptions. So my hope and prayer for this short post is that, you, the reader will not close your ears so fast, but to hear and study out to see if these things are so. I will not go to deeply into referencing verses and will do so in upcoming posts, however what I say can still be studied out through the Scriptures, be a Berean.
"Cheap Grace", I can only but see a multitude of Christians getting frustrated with a quote like Keith Blades because the term and phrase “Cheap Grace” is used to flippantly and in offense to a vast array of theologies and has become the norm under Christendom. May we stop and think about it. "Cheap Grace" without explaining it can and does damage the gospel and the vital element of God that not only is the power to offer His salvation to all men, but the power that actually saves, that element is God’s grace (element for a better lack of words). Christians in the Body of Christ who use this term result in adding and/or taking away from God's marvelous grace that He is offering to all of mankind, this is again accomplished when we as believers use the word cheap to describe it. The "grace" that we are saved by and are to proclaim to the world, to unbelievers that is so awesome and "exceedingly great", that magnifies not only the character of God but His essence and view towards mankind today, is called “cheap” by the hands and mouths of Christians within denominations and sects which is not only wrong, but in light of God’s Word truly is appalling and just plan sad.
I write this to tear the stronghold of this phrase in shreds and to magnify the grace of God and how "exceedingly great" it is. However, I know why the phrase is used, I once was in the Christian pool that so flippantly used this expression. The phrase "cheap grace" is used in defending that “grace” is not a license to sin and when others do take advantage of God’s grace this expression is used in defense against those who are, and some even go as far as saying that those who do are not really saved. It is a phrase with a two-fold purpose, to implant fear and insecurity in those who take advantage of God’s grace that they might “repent” and start doing good works and produce fruit, however it is the strength and motivation for those who are producing and also the unseeingly power to produce more, and can even be the pride to raise themselves higher than those who do not have that same fruit. I have been there. I have been in the position that raised myself so high that I could judge homosexual’s, adulterers, thieves, and the alike and could say they can’t be saved, because if they were they wouldn’t be doing that. I was also in the position that became fearful and insecure in my salvation because I was honest and knew there was still sin in my life that I just had the darnest time getting out of. The issue is the motivation behind the life pleasing to God. Oh, I pray so many read this.
I know so many people who are saved and walk in fear, don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t eat this, don’t eat that, don’t drink this, don’t drink that, don’t touch this, don’t touch that, don’t say this, don’t say that, and the list goes on and on. They live in fear and the guilt that they live in when they sin is tremendous. Then it goes so far that that guilt is from God and evidence of their salvation. Sure they want to please the Lord, but the motivation is to not experience the guilt and the “chastisement” of God. They live day by day walking by sight not by faith, by what they feel and how they feel rather than on the Word of God. By overwhelming senses and again feelings, instead of the powerful Word of God that is consistent and truth. The motivation of one who walks like this is fear, but the motivation God desires today to walk in and the power to not sin is one of a genuine love. How is the love produced? How does one get that motivation to serve God in love and walk worthy of the Lord? It is produced and reflected by how God views you. Is God putting you under the law today to produce the works of the law that revive sin an unhealthy fear of God, or are you standing in God’s grace under His grace, haven given you all spiritual blessings in Christ at the moment of salvation. See “grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts”, God’s grace is our teacher, not God’s law being a tutor and/or governor. Under that law, in that unhealthy motivation you need to forgive in order to be forgiven, but under God’s grace you are already forgiven and that is supposed to motivate you to forgive.
Many scholars and religious leaders use this phrase to help prove that "grace" is not a get out of hell free ticket and that's it, but that it does transform your life and if it has not or does not, they will tac on this phrase "cheap grace" to that person. They use this phrase to prove that people who call themselves Christians, but live a carnal life, who look and act no different from anyone else and blend right in with the world aren't truly Christians and that they have treated God's grace as "cheap". The idea is focused on the man or woman who doesn't bear the fruit of what they believe in and use God's grace as a license to sin and live a life that pleases them.
May I state boldly may we never, never, never look at God's grace through man's actions, works, or deeds, or the lack thereof. Grace is unmerited favor, it is God's Riches At Christ's Expense. Many believe that we are saved "by grace through faith" and "not by works", however after salvation they turn from this grace to the law to work and to prove their salvation as if there good works will give them assurance of their salvation. In this theology, in this thinking, in this man-made phrase we tear down the truth of the gospel and we work along Satan in not only being tossed to and fro by winds of doctrines, but help in the process of tossing believers and especially new believers in those winds of doctrines. We are saved "by grace through faith", why would God change our sanctification to be under the law and do the works of the law. NO! We are "created in Christ unto good works", not the "works of the law". We are to walk in the good works of grace.
The attempt behind this thinking I believe is out of a good heart, however the result of this phrase is devastating not only to one's faith or new faith, but devastating to the Word of God because it either adds or takes away. I pray ye, ye Body of Christ that we may never, never, never point to our lives, our works, our deeds, as proof of the Cross, as proof of our salvation, as proof of the grace that has saved us. May we only point to our belief in the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ as the proof of our salvation. The only thing that separates a person from being a Christian or not is belief is faith. Our assurance, our testimony, our proof of God's grace in our life, is our believe in God's Word, it is not our works of righteousness for we would NEVER be assured of salvation, for not only have we fallen short of the glory of God, but continue even in our Christian walk to continue to fall short of the glory of God, it is belief, it is faith in God's grace, in Christ's righteousness, in Christ's work that we attain assurance, that we attain sanctification, that we attain the glory of God, and that will never change whether you belief it or not.
Many at this point may be thinking that I am defending the position that our apostle Paul was "slanderously reported" in saying "let us do evil, that good may come", "continue in sin that grace may abound" as I teach and preach the same truths that the apostle Paul did in his epistles and as I defend in this pitiable attempt over a blog, but I am not defending the position or granting or giving the license to sin, nor am I adjusting my theology to my sinful lifestyle. I hate my sin, I hate my sin more than anyone, however I have realized after becoming a Christian that any attempts of my confession and confession and confession and confession and confession and confession to God did not take care of my sin. I realized that by putting myself under the law did not take care of my sin nor produced a fruitful life, nor manifested God’s power. I realized as many works that I performed that OTHERS saw and GAVE THEM AN ASSURANCE OF MY SALVATION, they did not give me an assurance of my salvation, because I knew of my sin, whether it was one or ten (just random numbers). God through His Word brought me to the same place that He had at salvation, the place of knowing my sin and not being able no matter how religious I was to take care of my sin and in turn produce a walk pleasing to God. It was then when I started to walk "by grace through faith" again, not unto salvation, I was already saved, but unto an understanding of how God would sanctify me. I stopped listening to the John MacArthur's and John Piper's who so easily used the terms "cheap grace" and the like, and started to take God's Word for it. I have been walking by grace through faith and in grace through faith ever since. I now understand my position in Christ, that God did not want me to confess, confess, and confess my sins, but to walk in the finish work of the Cross and thank Him for it, to walk in my complete forgiveness of sins, to walk in His grace by faith, not by sight. This grace in which I stood all along I began to understand and the sin I so zealously hated and still do, continues to lose it's power in my life, not because I see my own works, not because I rest my assurance on the life that I live, but because I believe in Christ's work, and rest my assurance in Him and the death He died for me and now I live in Christ and set my affection on things above.
"Cheap Grace" this phrase, focuses on our works, on our life and what it produces and does not produce, instead of looking and focusing on the "Expensive Grace" of God, instead of focusing on Christ's finished work, not on our life, but His death, burial and resurrection. Then may we walk not under the law to do the works of the law, for we are not under the law, but under grace but to walk in the good works that God has ordained the good works of grace which is our reasonable service.
It is to the Body of Christ's shame and especially the leadership thereof and in that we focus so much on ourselves and more on others comparing ourselves to others who commend themselves, esteeming ourselves higher than others, and measuring ourselves by others. Paul says this is not wise (2 Cor. 10:12). Grace is freedom, it is a great freedom that God has given to us not for an occasion of the flesh, not to sin, but in love to serve one another. However, grace is abused, there is no doubt, however every single believer in the Body of Christ has abused God's grace at one time or another, some more than others, some less than others, but our measurement of each other is not supposed to be our works, but it is supposed to be Christ. The Corinthians are hard for teachers and preachers who use the term "cheap grace" to explain, because they were so carnal, I am talking about, adultery, fornication, drunkenness, yet Paul deals with them as brothers and sisters, he points them back to their identity in Christ and to God's grace to correct them, to the love of Christ that motivates and produces an amazing and incredible strength in our inner man that no matter what we do good or bad God through Christ loves us loved them and will not remove us from Christ's Body, that is power and power over Satan and his devices. Grace treats us as adults, that God loves us so much He will take the punishment over and over and over for our sins, He did at the Cross (all of our sins were future at the Cross) and it is that sound doctrine, that grace, that truth, that works in our inner man, that produces a fruitful walk in the good works God has ordained in Christ, a growth not in our position in Christ for we cannot grow anymore in Christ, for we are complete in Christ, but a growth in our understanding of that position, in knowing God or rather how we are known by God, that is in Christ.
The differences,
"Expensive Grace" looks at others and oneself by what God has done "by grace through faith" and will do as you continue in Christ "by grace through faith", "Cheap Grace" looks at what you have done or have not done in order to determine the authenticity of your faith.
Why would you determine your faith by works you have done or not done? There are no grounds for this scripturally.
"Expensive Grace" focuses on what Christ did, what it cost God, His Son, and what is cost Christ, His life, "Cheap Grace" focuses on what you have done or not done or on what it has cost you to determine the authenticity of your faith.
"Expensive Grace" walks by faith not by sight, "Cheap Grace" walks by sight not by faith.
"Expensive Grace" is unconditional and never changing, "Cheap Grace" is conditional and ever changing because of your works.
"Expensive Grace" forgives all sins and the believer through faith thanks God for this forgiveness, "Cheap Grace" forgives sins based on your confession which is unbelief.
"Expensive Grace" is God's Riches At Christ Expense, "Cheap Grace" is God's Riches At Your Expense.
My point is not to show that there are two types of grace, because there isn't, however to uncover the underlying lies and false notions that the phrase "Cheap Grace" and its explanations thereof and in give.
I say again I do not defend a license to sin, however if you are struggling with sin, know that you are completely forgiven believe that and when you sin and sin and sin and sin and sin you are completely forgiven. It is this "great love" of God, it is this "exceeding greatness of His power", it is the "riches of His grace" that not only save you while you were dead in your sins, but it is these things that can and will renew your mind and your inner man and produce a genuine desire not to sin through belief of the truth. Grace takes you from the scum of the earth, the lowest of the low, from being dead in sins, to the highest position of exaltation in Christ, in fact that happens at salvation unknowingly, but it is that same grace through your faith in His Word that helps your realize that position and live in it. However terms like "cheap grace" and the like do not help because they go against God's Word and the Spirit in your inner man does not operate on words of man, but only by God's Word, only in truth, only on facts. Grace is not cheap no matter how you look at it and it slanders the grace of God.
Story: A man in Chicago who was a cocaine addict never thought that he could be saved, until he heard a preacher on the radio explain that you don’t have to clean up your life first and then believe, you believe right where your at and whatever your in, believe that Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. The cocaine addict had never heard that before, that he didn’t have to stop what he was doing, but that God would save him right where he was at. The man continued to learn about the grace that he believed in, however he also continued in the cocaine going to parties and getting drugged up. Again more grace (he wasn't being taught to continue to sin that grace may abound, but he was being taught about God's grace and how God views him in Christ, and that taught him even in his sin to deny), more drugs, more grace, more drugs, until one day he started cutting the drugs getting ready to get high and he stopped and told his buddies he could no longer do it. Praise God for the power of His grace that teaches to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts. That man didn’t become saved the moment he stop the drugs, he was already saved, but the love and grace of God taught him to deny the drugs and to serve Christ. I share the story and the point is, is that many would have looked upon that man and said he is not a Christian because of his outward actions, however God was working on the inward man, also that once he stopped it didn’t mean he was completely free from the cocaine he continued to grow in grace and continued to teach him to deny not only drugs, but ungodliness (legalistic religiousness) and worldly lusts (drugs, sex, drinking).
I loved your post. It was very clear. The difference between Christians who look at the outward appearance and Christians who do what God does and look at their heart(what they believe) is how patient they are and longsuffering they are with people who sin. You or I Josh would never say that we should just let sin continue in our life just because grace covers it, we wsant sin out of our lives just as much as anyone else, but the bottom line is that when we look at others, and see their lives a mess because of sin, we deal with them with longsuffering patience because we see ourselves just as capable of turning into them. Just like Galatians 6:1 says, "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." You go there with humbleness and you restore that brother by showing him the Word of God and letting the Word of God do the transforming. We don't bring the hammer down on him and reject him because he is sinning. Christ deals with us, like I deal with Izaiah as a babe. When he falls over, I don't beat him down for it. I tell hin, "Alright buddy, you learning and growing. Let's get back up and try it again." And I have patience with him. I know things take time, and the Lord knows things take time. Again Josh, keep writing and keep preaching because you are a great teacher of the Word. Keep it up!
Your best friend,
Yes, because we do not look, like you said, at the outward appearance. We look at how God's Word tells us to look at not only others, but ourselves in Christ. We walk by faith, not by sight. We walk by taking God at His Word and trusting only it and the One it reveals the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ. However, too many walk by sight, they for some reason need to see a fruitful walk to determine whether people are Christians. It is simple from the Word, that if you believe that Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose again, then God by the one baptism of the Spirit baptizes you (identifies you) into Christ, never to be separated. So the determining factor is not your good or bad works, whether your in sin or out of sin (can't be out of sin) but your believe in the gospel. The truth of the gospel is that God does all the saving whether you have good or bad works and whether you sin a little bit or a lot. After that, there is no falling out of the Body of Christ or God separating you from Christ. The believer did nothing to be sealed in Christ, the believer whether he sins a lot or little, whether he still believes or not can separate him/her from the Body of Christ. That is hard for us to explain and realize and believe in, because we think that is cheap in some way, because it goes against our flesh. This is why so many use the term. It seems as though I am saying go sin, some probably at this point think that I am just living a carnal life in sin and am standing firm on this because of my own lifestyle, I am not. But the truth of the matter of grace is just that I just explained. That is how powerful it is, however its power and greatness do not stop there. The same grace I just explained is the same grace that if understood, known, taught and is believed through God's Word will change, the Christian who desires to live in sin, will change first the desire and then the lifestyle. It is God's grace that is the power unto patience, longsuffering, with joyfulness. God's grace does that, nothing else. Anything else is of the flesh either the carnal flesh or the religious flesh. These will give temporary power and satisfaction, but not the "exceeding greatness of His power". They will produce confession to ease your guilt and shame but until the next time, thinking that is so godly in its voluntary humility. However it does not produce an authenticity. It does not produce freedom, or pure thankfulness for the complete forgiveness of sins. Some think that godliness is not sinning, doing confession and restoring that fellowship with God after sin. Godliness is taking God at His Word and doing that, God says because of Christ you are completely forgiven walk in that. When we believe and walk in God's Word we won't be sinless, but we ought to sin less, however the focus is on God's Word not the sin, because God in Christ has dealt with all of our sin. If this sounds good to you, it is, it is God's salvation, it is the simplicity in Christ, that Satan so easily through his subtlety will try and make it hard. He will throw doctrines out there that will have you confessing and God looking at you in Christ thinking why are you confessing I have forgiven you. Doctrines that look at the outward appearance. Doctrines that will make the Cross of Christ of none effect in your life without knowing it. Why don't you know it, because you will be following doctrines of men rather than of God. His doctrines are by faith not by sight and that magnify the Cross of Christ and do not put a show on, but a authentic thankfulness for what He is doing in Christ. Thanks Jeremy for defending His grace, it is a grand doctrine that has to be taught, because most will jump to think that we can sin or that we are saying go and sin. They don't understand that if not taught the way God teaches it, and we teach it by calling it "cheap" and judge others, put all these rules and regulations on them, and shout with the best of them, Christian's do not sin (exaggeration), whatever shape or form it is in. It isn't true and not authentic. It takes time and some more than others, but time is not the issue with God He is patient and wants you to know how He sees you already in Christ, that is what He is teaching today, His grace.
Talk to you soon brother
Sorry that last sentence was choppy, I am not to good in writing and I have long sentences, hopefully those who read can understand and if not please comment and I will try to explain what I am meaning.
I meant to say,
"They don't understand that if not taught the way God teaches it in His Word then "the exceeding greatness of His power" will not be known. Instead we teach it by calling it "cheap" and judge others. We use rules and regulations to put on people and shout with the best of them, "Christians do not sin", whatever shape or form it is in.
Like you said Jeremy its the patience, that God deals with us and the patience to deal with others, that is the difference. I used to be quick to judge, not looking at myself and being honest with myself. I am so thankful for grace and I am so thankful for the power it is and to see the growth it produces in lives when taught properly.
And I also think the issue is that grace doesn't "cause" us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, but it teaches us to. Before we got saved, we didn't have a care in the world for what is right and wrong, nor did we have a clear cut example laid out for us for what is right and what is wrong. Now that we have access by faith in to God's grace, it can teach us through his word how to line up the practical day to day lifestyle with the positional righteousness that we have in Christ. God's grace is powerful but his word does not tell us that it makes us do anything good. God gives us the freedom to choose right from wrong, Spririt from flesh, and then we will reap what we sow based off of our choices. Amen and keep bloggin. I can't wait to be an elder at your church someday bro!
Jeremy Tarter
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