Monday, June 28, 2010

"The Word {Wisdom} of God, The Spirit of God, and The Apostle of God" Pt. 1

As I have started to read again 1 Corinthians I remember particularly their carnality. Some preachers say there is no such thing as a carnal Christian. They will say carnality cannot coexist with being a Christian. This is to say a Christian once a Christian never sins. I would agree if they were to say carnality should not coexist with our new life in Christ. This goes into the issue of a believer having two natures which many reject. However, as I read about these carnal Corinthians, Paul first calls them carnal not because of their immoral sin of fornication and glorying in it, or because they are taking other believers to an unbelieving judicial system, but rather because the issue of God's authority is not settle in their midst. They are following men and making men the issue. The flow of Corinthians is absolutely wonderful. In chapter 2 Paul explains how he "came (to them) not with excellency of speech or of wisdom" although he did come with a wisdom, just not with man's wisdom as he explains in verse 4, "and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:"

Paul compares "with enticing words of man's wisdom" against "in demonstration of the Spirit and of power". I think it very interesting here he does not explain what the man's wisdom is, but rather the delivering of the man's wisdom. There are preachers at Corinth preaching man's wisdom, but because it is man's wisdom they need to use enticing words. Words to draw you in. Paul explains these enticing words elsewhere in his epistles as "vain gangling", "good words and fair speeches", "old wives' fables", "traditions and commandments of men", and many more. They use enticing words to draw, stories to get your attention, excitement to lure you in. Man's wisdom needs a counterpart because they are insufficient in them-self and that counterpart is enticement. Man's wisdom and words are vain and their power source is enticement. Paul here does not reveal the man's wisdom today such as: water baptism, speaking in tongues, law-keeping, covenant theology, calvinism, arminianism; but rather explains the wisdom he (Paul) came to them with which was "in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:" What is the wisdom Paul had that demonstrated the Spirit and power? Paul first explains he does not have man's wisdom with enticing words {which they already had}, but God's Word for the purpose of their "faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." When someone puts faith in the wisdom of God they are trusting an all-sufficient power source. What was this wisdom?

Paul goes on to say in 1 Corinthians 2:6-8,

"howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."

God's wisdom that Paul came to them which was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power was the wisdom of God that He never before had revealed. It was the wisdom of God in a mystery. This terminology and wisdom is spoken of all through Paul's epistles (i.e. Romans 16:25-26; Eph. 3:1-9; Col. 1:25-26; to list a few). A wisdom hid in the inner counsel of God's own will, a wisdom formed, planned, and with a nature of hidden before the foundation of the world until God Himself decided to reveal it. A wisdom that further revealed not just Christ as Messiah forming the true Israel of God and as King of kings and Lord of lords over all the earth, but of Christ forming the one new man, the church the body of Christ in which He is Head over. A one new man not to reside on the earth and coexist with Israel, but a one new man to reside in the heavenlies and to coexist with Israel within God's universe.

Notice Paul spoke this wisdom "among them that are perfect:" This does not mean sinless perfection, but rather spiritually mature. This "hidden wisdom" no one knew, not the top dogs in the earth including Satan himself as he is also known as the "prince of this world". God ordained this hidden wisdom before the world unto our {Jew and Gentile believers today} glory.

Paul goes on to say if the princes of the world would have known this hidden wisdom they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Was it not Satan motivating those unbelieving Jews to crucify Him! crucify Him!? Was it not Satan who wanted to destroy the seed that was long ago prophesied to crush him? God knew something He would accomplish through the death, burial, and resurrection of His own Son that Satan could never have imagined, nor anyone else. If Satan would have known this hidden wisdom of God he would not have motivated the crucifixion of the Son of God!!! Not only would Christ redeem Israel through His death, shedding His blood for the New Covenant that He will drink anew with them in the kingdom at His 2nd coming, but God also tore down the middle wall of partition (circumcision & law of Moses) between Jew and Gentile by the Cross and Christ's blood is able to redeem and justify all mankind being only imputed to those who believe. Christ's blood is the only means of satisfying the justice of God. This is the wisdom Paul came to them with and I hope you can see it does not need enticing words, but rather the words them-self are within them self POWER. Paul knew all other wisdom beside the hidden wisdom was man's wisdom with enticing words. Paul knew what he came to them with needed not excellency of speech but instead was in demonstration of the Spirit and power. Paul knew what he had was power, power in hidden wisdom, ordain for them unto their glory. Unfortunately these Corinthians could not bear this wisdom, they were not "among them that are perfect", but rather carnal, babes as it were, needing to be fed with milk. They were making men the issue instead of the hidden wisdom God given to them through The Apostle Paul.

Paul lays forth the wisdom he preached, next the Spirit who searched the deep things of God and is revealing them, and lastly is going to explain his authority as The Apostle who first received this wisdom to preach as he serves not as one of their 10,000 instructors, but rather their father who had begotten them through his gospel.

These three God's Word and wisdom revealed by the Spirit given to Paul to be preached is the channel in which we get God's power source today. Next time we'll look at "The Spirit of God".

Look Up,
Josh Strelecki


Welcome, I hope you all enjoy this blog as I will be writing down thoughts from the amazing Word of God, feel free to respond. Talk to you soon